What is best to do for seating at a festival?

Hanny naibaho
The season of fun and festivals is upon us, and we’re heading off in our tens of thousands to watch band after band belt out hit after hit. The thrill of a festival is unrivalled when it comes to hedonistic music bliss. We stand for hours upon hours singing, drinking, and swaying to the beat, whilst our feet are taking a pounding. Why is this? Mainly because we all go mob handed to these events with never so much a thought about whether we may perchance like to sit down in comfort at some point to rejuvenate our tiresome bones.

Agreed, there is always ample floor space in which to pull up a muddy grass blade to sit on. Why do that though? Yes, playing in the mud can be fun… lots of fun. However, sitting in wet, mud heavy clothes all day and night is not.

There is only one solution, and that is to simply take a foldable chair with you. Canopy chairs, backpack chairs, blue chairs, green chairs; there is one for everybody.

foldable chairWhen chairs like this come ready in handy carry shoulder bags, it’d be rude not to take one along for the journey. The minimal space they take up in the car is more than worth it once you sit down in blissful comfort. You really will wonder why you've never had one all these years.

The backpack chair is the perfect accessory to take with you on any road trip. It’s comfortable, it’s easy on the eye; but more importantly, it comes in a backpack for you to carry about with you! How brilliant is that. You can take a chair along with you, without taking up valuable carry space.

With the thought of aching feet standing ahead of us, make sure you go fully equipped with a canopy chair from SimplyHammocks.